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제목 Vim for front-end development in 2019
작성일 2022-01-18 작성자 변윤경

In addition, telescope provides may other ways to navigate (global grep, git status, etc…). Suppose we have a list of 10 lines of text that we want to wrap in HTML tags; let’s add a class name at the same time. In Sublime, we might hold down the relevant key and drag down the edge of the text in question with the cursor, type our beginning tag e.g.

Make sure you are showing hidden files in your file manager or terminal. Currently, it looks good, but when you are working on some projects nice to have the ability to use code linter to catch errors related to code quality. Good, but not the only tool for solving it is syntastic. If you already have it, update to the latest version. After the editor has been installed, let’s create .vimrcif you use Vim or init.vim for Neovim. Let’s consider a few popular Vim plugins for frontend development.

indentline & vim-jsx-pretty

I can also fairly fairly fanatic about it, more than is probably good for me. Anyway, vim works most of the time for me but that’s just my opinion, I could easily be wrong. In my case, I went one step further in order to access the server inside my private network and test the webpage on several devices. I’m assuming you already have nodejs installed in your system, so let’s go ahead and install browser-sync globally. Emmet is an amazing tool for high-speed coding and editing, it allows you to create complex HTML structures with one line of code.

  • Not use plugin, or take advantage of pangloss/vim-javascript if using it for indenting.
  • Closure compiler from Google supports type check given JsDoc style type annotations.
  • These are two plugins for improving the visual style of Vim.
  • There are many options to tinker with, however, the ones I put below are the ones I currently use.
  • Fly through code faster than you thought possible using VIM!

If konstantin is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. Once unpublished, all posts by konstantin will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. Why using ALE when COC.nvim also has a linter and errors highlighted?

Web socket real time apps are more useful than might you think. Let’s see the examples.

There are many features available in modern editors that take time, expertise, and/or plugins to achieve in Vim. There are a lot of great editors out there that provide a ton of features for web development. Recreating those features in Vim has always been a challenge. I love Vim, but I’ve also dedicated a ton of time to tweaking my setup. YouCompleteMe itself is not capable to do javascipt semantic completion. But both tern_for_vim and vim-flow can naturally “hook” into the completion engine and display their results.

vim for FrontEnd Development

It looks very nice with linting, but we should manually format code to meet our requirements. I’m a lazy person and try to automate processes as much as possible, especially when coding. One of the most popular tools for code formatting is prettier, and I like using it in my projects. To use prettier along with vim editor, we need to install the vim-prettier.

Learn from the Terminal

Just add this plugin to the vim-plug configuration and then reload the vim editor with the source command. There are two interesting new concepts for code highlighting. One is from Douglas Crockford, named “context coloring”, which he represented in a talk about monad. Instead of coloring based on keywords and patterns, context coloring highlights code based on scopes, so that it’s very easy to see how variables flow into inner scopes. Vim-js-context-coloring is an implementation for vim.

vim for FrontEnd Development

I rely on ESLint for linting both my JavaScript and TypeScript projects. Now that TSLint is being deprecated, the choice is even easier. I initially used Ale (which is a great tool), but it had some issues when used together with coc.nvim. Types are automatically imported, and you can see function signatures and relevant code completions as you type. We believe the curriculum will be useful for several different groups of people, from students wanting to learn web development to educators wanting to put together courses for teaching. Check out the curriculum introduction to read more about the purpose of the curriculum and the target audience.

Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly

These commands above do all the necessary to have Vim-Plug available in your editor. All I know is that a terminal with italic support will recognize them as italic. Below is a logic I made for Vim to detect if the system supports a greater number of colors.

Folding is disabled by default, but you may fold any part of JS code according to
the syntax with just Space key. In Vim there is the leader key, which is by default \ , but you can change it in any
time. I learned programming/backend web development (python/flask) using vim as my text editor. You can choose whatever you want, install them and configure them. Probably is how you’ve configured it, I’ve been using ALE for a while for React development and it works fine, no complains.


This is the plugin that requires the most configuration. Conquer of Completion works as a server that provides auto-completion and code correction tools, working similar to VS Code. It supports extensions too, and these are responsible for adding support for the desired programming languages.

Recently I update my new NeoVim setup for JavaScript development. As far as I know, and besides GVim on Linux/Windows, these are the only examples of work done on the GUI side. On Mac OS X, MacVim is very well integrated in the whole Mac UX (native shortcuts, .app bundle…) but it’s still Vim. There’s even a fork that provides a “native” file drawer.